Chronic lower back pain is the all-time worst fate anyone can suffer. Persistent symptoms can disable the body and debilitate the spirit. Lingering lower back torment is one of the main reasons why people can not work, can not adequately take care of themselves or their families, and never reach their full potential in life. Add to these cruel fates the absolute misery of the pain itself and you have what seems to be excessive punishment for even the worst offenses. However, most people with lumbar back pain do not deserve any punishment. They are merely good people who find themselves in terrible predicaments in life. How did they get here?
Chronic lower back symptoms do not get better as one would expect. Instead they linger, persist, endure and make themselves right at home. “We are not going anywhere, so you might as well get used to us”. Yeah, right. It would be easier to get used to continuous torture at the hands of the most perverse minds in history. Lower back pain is really that bad…
This treatise investigates the human toll of lower back pain. This is a topic that I know well, having suffered my initial chronic pain problems in the lower back and coped with recurrent lumbar issues for much of my life. I have written literally thousands of pages on the subject of chronic lower back pain, but I guarantee that you have never read one like this before…
What Does Chronic Lower Back Pain Mean?
Lower back pain is always a serious topic. Doctors rate it at the very top of all pain scales. People who have never experienced it have heard lots of horror stories and tend to view the back as an easily damaged, fragile structure that must be carefully guarded or else suffer the fate of so many others around them. Virtually everyone knows at least one person whose life seems to have been ruined by lower back pain. Then you have the people who suffer low back pain themselves…
Chronic lower back pain patients actually live the dream and this dream is an endless nightmare of suffering. Instead of just one acute episode of the world’s worst torture, these people must endure episodic recurrences of hell, while living the days in between flare-ups in various degrees of misery. Many have lived this way for months, while still others have put up with their pain for years.
Then there are “the lifers”, as doctors like to call them. These people developed a bad back, usually in their young adult years, and never got better. Some have been dealing with their pain for decades already. Some have gotten better to some degree, but most have gotten worse. In fact, statistically, people with chronic pain tend to fall into a pattern of slight improvements in response to new treatment, followed by a plateau, followed by a downward descent. Each time the pain brings them back into the downward spiral, it sucks them in a bit deeper, bringing them towards ever-more desperate states of existence. It is a struggle for the very soul, with pain always seeming to win in the end. In my vocation as a pain coach, I have seen the life drained out of people by years of accumulated suffering. I know the look in their eyes and will be able to recognize it to the end of my days.
Chronic Lumbar Back Pain Healthcare
The healthcare system worldwide has failed people with chronic pain. This is undeniable fact. However, the medical system itself is the very worst offender, with traditional physicians offering the least assistance, the most risky therapies and the majority of unenlightened and idiotic insinuation as to why particular people “do not want to get better”.
At one point in my education and advocacy efforts, I almost cut all ties with the traditional medical establishment, since I saw so much evidence of its failures and so little proof of its efficacy. Worse, I was surrounded by armies of doctors who were obviously very intelligent individuals, but seemed incapable of understanding why chronic pain exists or how it should be treated. Instead, they offered “help” in the guise of poisonous drugs, surgical butchery and moral judgment. Meanwhile, it was they who were profiting hugely from the suffering of their patients.
However, I learned that doctors simply needed help to better serve their patients. Most physicians went into medical practice for the right reasons, mainly to benefit people and not simply to get rich at the expense of people’s health and suffering. Additionally, while most complementary caregivers did not subject their patients to the same degree of risk during ongoing treatment, the theories they embrace of why pain existed and how it could be resolved, rather than managed, usually seemed implausible. I made it my objective to unify the healthcare system in its resolve to help people with chronic pain. I made myself the spearhead of this weapon and have been fighting now for decades to improve our collective health consumer existence.
Things have gotten better, but still have a long way to go. Healthcare workers have now embraced the truth that the mind contributes in positive and negative ways to health on a continual basis. Likewise, caregivers now also realize that the mind can be mobilized to work for good health in the body, with a bit of effort and education. The benefits for each patient are endless.
However, there are still many misconceptions about chronic pain and some of the methods of care are still stuck in the literal dark ages. This is why I work 24/7 to help others. We still have a long way to go. We will get there and things will improve for future generations. The internet provides the ability to access patients’ lives directly, changing their fates one person at a time. The factual information on how to achieve wellness can not be denied any longer. The greedy sector of healthcare is no longer a monopoly. We can take back our lives and it is my goal to prove it to you.
Chronic Lower Back Pain Mission
I am a driven individual. Once put to a task, I will never quit. I will never tire. I will never surrender. I will persist, just like chronic lower back pain. My goal for this website is to help you to think differently about lower back pain.
If you are a patient, I want you to have hope. Things can get better: Much better. You can find relief. You can be cured. You need to work proactively to do so. You can not be passive and victimized. You must empower yourself with knowledge and community. I offer both right here.
If you are a family member of a person with lower back pain, you must know that those private conversations with your loved one’s doctor might have been well-intended, but probably are completely off base as to the cause of their suffering and how to really help them. I want you to understand what your loved ones are truly going through day by day while they suffer. I want you to taste their pain in my words so that you will understand.
If you are a healthcare worker, I really want you to keep reading. I want you to get mad at what you read and even take it personally. I want you to almost click away, but stay to read more. I want you to admit that what you read is the truth. I want you to begin to question how you can make your industry better. How you can better serve the people you SWORE to help. I want you to read with an open mind, since chronic pain is my focus and I know it extremely well. I don’t care where your education originated from, be it community college or Harvard. I can and will teach you things about chronic pain and if you just open your mind, these things will help you to help others.
Most of all, I want all of us to work together to end chronic lower back pain, as well as all other types of chronic suffering that now hold a death-grip on our modern society. I know it is possible, for I have seen the results one patient at a time, adding up to a total too great to count. We must make things better for them, for us, for the next generation. Suffering of this magnitude is unacceptable. We can do better. We will.
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