Lower back pain acupuncture is a popular form of symptomatic treatment that can provide lasting relief for many patients and diagnoses. Acupuncture has grown in availability and demand worldwide as more people are exposed to its effectiveness and distinct advantages compared to other forms of treatment.
What exactly is acupuncture and how can it relieve lower back symptoms? Is acupuncture painful? Is it safe? Is acupuncture an ideal form of treatment for lower back pain? We will discuss all these important questions during the course of this focused essay.
This dialog explores the use of acupuncture in lower back pain sufferers. We will detail the limitations and risks of acupuncture care, as well as its many potential benefits to provide a complete and objective view of the therapy. If you are considering acupuncture as a means of pain management, then this is the perfect discussion for you.
Acupuncture for Lower Back Pain
Acupuncture is a mainstay of Traditional Chinese Medicine and has been used to optimize health and treat pain and disease for millennia. Acupuncture theory states that the body contains energy called qi/chi. This qi circulates around the body and is concentrated into channels called meridians. Points lie along these meridians and off the meridians that can be used to influence the flow of qi energy. Manipulation of these points can add, remove or redirect qi energy as needed. Acupuncture is one way of manipulating qi flow using needles.
Acupuncture needles are solid, not hollow like western medical hypodermic needles. They are gently inserted at specific locations in order to provide a desired response. In lower back pain sufferers, the most common application is to reduce pain by disputing the nerves’ ability to send pain signals and interfere with the ability to process pain signals that are sent.
Acupuncture is not grounded in western science and is still largely not understood by modern medicine. However, there is no denying its efficacy, since the therapy has been used over many generations to treat an exhaustive range of health conditions.
Lower Back Pain Acupuncture Benefits
There are many positive attributes of acupuncture treatment that make it desirable as a form of symptomatic treatment for lower back pain:
Acupuncture is safe, not habit forming and is very effective for many types of pain. Acupuncture can also be custom-tailored to provide additional health benefits as per each patients wants and needs.
Acupuncture is a holistic and all-natural form of pain management that spares patients the many significant risks of more common pharmaceutical therapy.
Acupuncture can facilitate less pain and greater functionality for patients while they investigate curative care or simply decide to go on with life despite their pain.
Acupuncture is also complementary to other forms of therapy, making it a perfect addition to a combined care approach to treating lower back pain.
Lower Back Pain Acupuncture Downsides
Not everything abut acupuncture is positive. In fact, there are some serious downsides to consider, as well:
Acupuncture does not work for all people. In fact, some people complain that the treatment itself is painful and exacerbates their existing pain. Others are frightened of needles and do not react well to the idea of being repeatedly stabbed in order to reduce pain.
Acupuncture will not cure lower back pain. The best that can be expected is extended term relief of several hours to several weeks. There is no way to know how long the benefits of pain relief might last without trying a few sessions.
Acupuncture can spread some diseases or cause infections when performed in unhygienic conditions. However, these types of complications are rare and easily avoided by choosing a reputable care provider.
Acupuncture might be expensive and may not qualify for coverage under some health insurance plans.
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