Why does my lower back hurt? This is the primary question asked by literally billions of people around the world who have suffered the ravages of lumbar symptomology. Once a person has experienced lower back pain, they never forget it and often suffer recurring or chronic pain in the lumbar region for life.
So why does your lower back hurt? Is it due to some injury? Some form of spinal degeneration? Some muscular problem? Some consequence of bad posture? Is it due to a psychological condition? All of these explanations are valid for select patients, but what is the real reason for YOUR pain?
This essay will help patients to narrow down the potential causes of their lower back pain and identify cases where a previous diagnosis is incorrect. If you have been suffering pain that will not resolve despite time and treatment, then this is the right article for you.
Why Does My Lower Back Hurt Questions?
So besides the obvious question of why, most patients have related inquiries that relate to their pain:
Why has treatment failed me?
Why have many lower back pain treatments failed me?
I have been taking drugs from my doctor for years, why haven’t I been cured?
I listened to many doctors, each with a different opinion on the source of my pain. I have tried everything. Why should I believe anything that YOU say?
These are all excellent questions and we will answer each in turn in the section below, as well as the primary question posed in this essay: “Why does my lower back hurt?”
Answers for Low Back Pain
All of the possible causes of lower back pain suggested in the opening section can and do cause pain in many people. It is possible to suffer symptoms due to injury, degeneration, muscular issues, bad posture and mindbody triggers, as well as other possible causes and contributors such as disease, systemic health conditions and obesity.
The vast majority of patients believe that they have pain due to one of 2 possible circumstances, or sometimes both acting in tandem: Injury and spinal degeneration account for most lumbar pain diagnoses. However, these are also the diagnoses that are most often incorrect. This is in no way editorial opinion, but instead statistical fact backed by decades of research into the science of pain.
On the subject of treatment for pain… When treatment fails in the modern medical system, the underlying cause is rarely incompetency of the care provider or inefficacy of the therapy. Instead, the main reason for unsuccessful care is misdiagnosis. In our work, we find that the vast majority of people with recurring and chronic pain of any type and location have been grossly (and criminally) misdiagnosed. This should be the first fact you must embrace if you are to get well. No diagnosis is written in stone and the spinal degeneration or injury you believe to be the cause of your lingering pain is possibly nothing more than an incidental factor… A scapegoat.
As to the question of drug therapies not providing a cure… Really? You believe that drugs are meant to cure you? How naive! Drugs are toxic poisons that serve one purpose: shut you up and make doctors and pharmaceutical companies a vast treasure trove of profit. If you believe anything other than this truth, you are unsavable.
As to the last question about how we know that we are right… We have been studying and treating pain successfully (key word here) for many years. We are the leading patient education, advocacy and community network devoted to chronic pain. We come from many healing arts and backgrounds, but all embrace the same goals of safety and efficacy in treatment through accuracy of diagnosis. It is up to you who to believe. Read more about us and decide for yourself.
Why Does My Lower Back Hurt and How Do I Fix It?
Now that you have some answers, let’s get to the action steps that you need to do. If your pain has not been cured through whatever practices, products or treatments you are using, then you are doing something wrong. Accept this as fact. Our universal advice for all patients in this dire position is as follows:
Question your diagnosis. Learn why many of the most common causes of lower back pain are nothing more than smoke and mirrors.
Realize that pain is a systemic process. It is linked to your general health. Modern doctors over-compartmentalize the human body and this is why so many treatments cure one symptom, while creating 2 more… Overall health and wellness can not be undervalued when it comes to the study of chronic pain.
Accept that all chronic pain has a psychological component. All profiles are influenced by the mind in terms of severity, duration and expression. A great number of chronic pain syndromes are wholly psychogenic. The pain is 100% real, but the origin exists in the mind and not in the physical body. The process which creates these pain syndromes is known as ischemia and consists of the deprivation of oxygen to targeted areas with a specific psychoemotional goal in mind. In virtually all cases, this goal is to assist a repression/suppression process to protect the consciousness against sensitive issues in the subconscious.